Friday 8 March 2013

Literacy Blog Number Three

Literacy Blog Number Three

March 8, 2013

Today the following question was provided; what do you like most about your novel so far? My answer, how do you pick your favourite section of a work of art? It takes much thought and reason, and you often have to argue your point with many facts. For those who have read this book and seen some reviews, you will see there are many polar opposite opinions. Some say it's a great book with a new perspective on life and making the most of the time you have, and others think it was too happy, and they often thought he was saying 'yay for me.' I have to disagree with these negative opinions. Although this book didn't bring me too tears, I did find myself laughing out loud at parts, and somber and silence at others. This book shows new light on an old subject ‘make the most of the time you have.’

I admire the way Randy speaks with such blunt honesty, saying point blank he has cancer and he isn’t going to be here much longer. Instead of saying you should make the most of the time you have, he says you NEED too. Time is short and so is life so get too it. Move your butt off the couch and get going. He shows what he has done and inspires others this way. It isn’t a ‘yay for me’ situation per say but an ‘I made the choice to move past this and I moved on, end of story’ kind of attitude. This is something not a lot of people do these days, me included. I really need to work on not complaining so much, and seeing the bright sides of situations more often. This is a book, which is a treasure among novels, is essentially a guide to living in the moment, and we could use a change in perspective once in a while. So…get to it.


  1. I really like how descriptive you are when you`re writing about your novel. I think you did a very good job at writing this and make me really want to read your book because you made it sound very interesting and good.

  2. Your posts always have so much meaning to them, which I love. I definitely agree with your art metaphor. This sounds fantastic. Great post, good on you!
