Friday 24 May 2013

Creative Writing #2

Creative writing #2
So this week we were assigned to do a creative writing, short story on a character we made up. So this is mine. Sorry for the length of it, I got carried away in writing.

The cool morning air was soothing against Lucy’s sweaty body, the end of her morning marathon training coming to the final street. The sun was just beginning to rise and a pool of purple and yellow spilled into the morning sky. The calmness of the morning didn’t reflect at all to the anger which had wound up inside of her after the events which took place the night before. It had gone something like the calm before the storm, soothing and then an explosion of words and hand gestures with her family. As she went through what happened, a scowl appeared on her face and she slowed down to a walk and sat down on a park bench, green and not at all comfortable but it would have to do the job.  She closed her green eyes, the long brown curls escaping from her ponytail.  The images flashed through her mind again and revisited what had happened.

                She had driven up in her muddy jeep to her house, the May evening bringing a welcomed warm breeze. The people of the Calgary sub burbs settling down for the evening. As Lucy rested her head against the seat she wondered what college pamphlets would be sitting in her quiet bedroom this time. Her mother had taken to finding whatever she could on different school they could afford, they were well off but they wanted the best they could give her. Even though she was graduating this year with her average marks, she still had a long way to go. Kind of a loner, her mother was hoping that when she turned 18 this summer she would break out of her shell and be ready to face the world. Although Lucy still hadn’t decided if she wanted to go to college yet. Nothing was ever certain for her and it drove her parents crazy. They wanted her to have everything set for the future like her brothers but she wasn’t them. She had a steady job at the daycare and her dog Charlie, had just gotten back from the vets, having stepped on a sharp rock days before and ways limping quite a bit. Her father would be home and would surely be in the kitchen trying to master some new dish he saw n food network. The smell of something exotic always welcomed her. He was always the one to make the meals as her mother had trouble even boiling water.  

Lucy rolled up her jeans one last time, straightened her top which had gotten wrinkled against the seat and pushed open the screen door. What welcomed her was silence. There was nothing on the stove, the sound of her brother’s music and TV not coming from the upstairs or downstairs of their home. As she rounded the corner into the living room, a country feel which always reminded her of her grandfather’s comforting old farm, held her family, waiting for her with serious expressions on their faces. As soon as she saw what was going on she knew the oncoming battle of school was about to approach.

                She got up from the park bench and continued down the quiet street, kicking a rock along. Hopefully she would be able to get in a hour more of sleep before she would have to face the day again.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. Not only did you develop an amazing character, but a great story line as well. Lovely post, as always. Good on ya!
