Friday 31 May 2013

Creative writing #3: conflict

Creative writing #3

Today I have a piece of creative writing, and the piece is one which involves conflict. So here it goes.

As Landon sat staring at the expulsion papers on his kitchen table, the blankness of his mind almost drowned out his mothers’ sharp words.
It was one week after the exam results and Landon had gotten a glowing mark of (75 on his science exam. This had stunned not only himself, but his peers and his dean and his family, as they all knew of his reputation. Science was hard, his mark before the exam remained at 61% through the whole year. He had studied hard hoping for something better but was still not confident. It looked like things paid off.  Landon found out when he was called into the dean’s office that he had been caught cheating, someone had evidence against him and a search ended in his result of 0% on the exam and a letter of expulsion from the dean.

“Landon, you know you didn’t have a glowing record with your dean, with the bad grades and skipping class. I really thought you had turned it around.” His father said, cutting into his mothers rant. His expression made him look 67 instead of 47, his sad eyes swimming with disappointment. No one believed his side of the story that he didn’t cheat. His best friend Mark had turned on him and his girlfriend, always the supportive one, had left his side as well. He looked at his father trying to communicate by a glance, his mother still talking. Her words flooded the room piercing his listening ears. Down the halls his parents had hung his dismal and minimal achievements. Now they seemed cheat and undeserved.  He moistened his lips, preparing to speak. “Mom,” her said cautiously, his mother spinning around and glared at him. “I didn’t cheat, someone’s lying and it’s not me.” With those words though his mother just laughed at him, grabbed her keys off the hook and walked out of the house, started her car and drove out of the driveway. It appeared she wouldn’t be back for a while and neither Landon or his father having anything to say.


  1. That was excellent, as always. You still left me wondering, "what's happenin next?" As mos great stories do. Great post, good on ya!

  2. You are very good at writing, I enjoy reading all your blogs! I love your conflict and it was very well written! Keep up the good work!
